紐西蘭新海岸政策支持漁業及水產養殖發展紐西蘭漁業暨水產養殖部部長Phil Heatley歡迎保育部部長Kate Wilkinson於近日公佈之紐西蘭海岸政策聲明(NZCPS)。該NZCPS對保護水質及生物多樣性、海岸風險管理擬定政策,對水產個人信貸養殖而言需有委員會就其潛在價值之認同。該漁業部長表示,樂見NZCPS密切呼應政府積極推動對經濟發展有重大影響的養殖漁業永續發展計畫。H氏認為,只要委員會及決策者認同養殖漁業的潛在價值,並找出最佳定位就有發展成深買屋具價值產業的機會。一個具體的養殖漁業政策須能向委員會傳達養殖漁業無限的潛力進而證明其對區域及國家經濟確有顯著的貢獻。近日新成立的養殖漁業小組將協助區域性委員會規劃養殖。(摘譯自紐西蘭漁業部2010年10月28日 新花蓮民宿聞稿)COASTAL POLICY SUPPORTS FISHERIES ANDAQUACULTUREFisheries and Aquaculture Minister Phil Heatley has welcomed the new New Zealand CoastalPolicy Statement (NZCPS) announced today by Conservation 房地產Minister, Kate Wilkinson.The NZCPS sets out policies on coastal issues which impact on aquaculture and fisheries,including the protection of biodiversity and water quality, management of coastal hazard 景觀設計risksand a requirement that Councils recognise the potential value of aquaculture.Mr Heatley says he is pleased the NZCPS aligns with the Government’s objectives foraquaculture by recognising the 借貸importance of sustainable aquaculture development for economic growth.“The fact that Councils and decision makers must now recognise the potential value ofaquaculture and plan for it where appropriate, 室內設計will undoubtedly help us to grow this valuableindustry,” says Mr Heatley.“Inclusion of an aquaculture-specific policy sends a clear signal to councils they must considerthe potential of aquaculture and 裝潢recognise aquaculture’s contribution to regional and nationaleconomies,” he says.“Protecting biodiversity and water quality is also critical to fisheries and aquaculture development,” he said.The 開幕活動recently established Aquaculture Unit will be working with regional councils to help themplan for aquaculture.

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